1 Sms

The SMS (Synchronous Meteorological Satellite), later GOES (Geostationary OperationalEnvironmental Satellites), series was the first series of geostationary meteorologicalsatellites.

The spin-stabilized, geo-synchronous spacecraft carried:

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  • a visible infrared spin-scan radiometer (VISSR) which provided high-quality day/night cloudcover data and made radiance temperatures of the earth/atmosphere system,
  • a meteorological data collection and transmission system which relayed processed data from central weather facilities to small APT-equipped regional stations and collected and retransmitted data from remotely located earth-based platforms, and
  • a space environmental monitor (SEM) which measured proton, electron, and solar X-ray fluxes and magnetic fields.

The cylindrically shaped spacecraft measured 190.5 cm in diameter and 230 cm in length,exclusive of a magnetometer that extended an additional 83 cm beyond the cylinder shell.The primary structural members were a honeycombed equipment shelf and a thrust tube. TheVISSR telescope was mounted on the equipment shelf and viewed the earth through a specialaperture in the side of the spacecraft. A support structure extended radially out from thethrust tube and was affixed to the solar panels, which formed the outer walls of thespacecraft and provided the primary source of electrical power. Located in theannulus-shaped space between the thrust tube and the solar panels were station-keeping anddynamics control equipment, batteries, and most of the SEM equipment. Proper spacecraftattitude and spin rate (approximately 100 rpm) were maintained by two separate sets of jetthrusters mounted around the spacecraft equator and activated by ground command. Thespacecraft used both UHF and S-band frequencies in its telemetry and command subsystem. Alow-power VHF transponder provided telemetry and command during launch and then served asa backup for the primary subsystem once the spacecraft had attained synchronous orbit.

Beginning with the third spacecraft the series was renamed GOES.

GOES 3 was deactivated in June 2016 after 38 years. Long after the imaging instrument failed, the satellite had been used for 21 years by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) for 21 years to link NSF's Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station with the outside world.

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An introduction: A 40 year evolution followed. It can be traced through four distinct phases of tapping screw design- thread forming, thread cutting, thread rolling and self-drilling.

I. Thread forming screw are Types AB,.B, BP A, and C. Type C, with its machine threads and high-driving torques became obsolete with the introduction of thread rolling screws. It is no longer recommended for new designs. The only difference between Types AB, B and BP is their point design. AB is a threaded gimlet, Type B has a blunt point, and Type BP has an unthreaded gimlet. Gimlet points center into preformed holes and facilitate thread start, but they are longer and need more blind side clearance. Also gimlet points tend to be a sharp and may damage other components in the assembly if they contact.

Thread Forming Tapping Screws - Type AB


Table 6 Dimensions of Threads and Points For Type AB Thread Forming Tapping Screws Coc level 8 town hall best defense.

Nominal Size or Basic Screw DiameterThreads Per InchDdL
Major DiameterMajor DiameterMinimum Practical Screw Lengths
MaxMinMaxMin90° HeadsCsk Heads
7/160.4375100.4400.4290.3590.3497/81 1/32
1/20.5000100.5040.4930.4230.41311 5/32
See Notes3,4


  1. No extrusion of excess metal beyond apex of the point resuiting from thread rolling shall be permissible a slight rounding or truncation of the point is desirable.
  2. The width of flat at crest of thread shall not exceed 0.004 inch for sizes up to and including No.8, and 0.006 inch for larger sizes.
  3. Where specifying nominal size in decimals,zeros preceding decimal and in the fourth decimal place shall be omitted.
  4. Sizes shown in bold type are prefrred.
  5. For determining the effective grip of screws see Appdx. Vll, page H-58.
  6. For additional requirements , see introductiry Notes and General Data , page H-11.

Unikey download. Thread Forming Tapping Screws - Types B And BP / Thread Cutting Tapping Screws- Types BF And BT

Table 7 Dimensions of Threads and Points for Types B and BP Thread Forming and Types BF and BT Thread Cutting Tapping Screws

Nominal Size or Basic Screw DiameterThreads PerinchDdPSL
Major DiameterMajor DiameterPoint DiameterPoint Taper LengthMinimum Practical Nominal Screw Lengths
Types B, BF, BTType BP
MaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMin90° HeadCsk Heads90° HeadCsk Heads
3/80.3750120.3800.3710.3090.2990.2930.2850.1670.12517/3211/1615/161 1/8
7/160.4375100.4400.4290.3590.3490.3430.3350.2000.1505/825/3211/81 1/4
1/20.5000100.5040.4930.4230.4130.4070.3990.2000.15011/1627/3211/41 13/32
See Note34



  1. Points of screws shall be tapered and fluted or slotted as illustrated above for the respective types .The flute on Type BT screws shall have an included angle of 90 to 95 deg and the thread cutting edge located above the axis of screw. Tapered threads shall have unfinished crests within the point taper length. The flutes or slots shall extend through first full form thread beyond taper except for Type BF screws on which tapered threads may be complete at manufacturer's option and flutes may be one pitch short of first full form thread. Other details of taper and flute design shall be optional with manufacturer provided the screws meet the specified performance requirements.
  2. The width of flat at crest of thread shall not exceed 0.004 in. for sizes up to and including No. 8 and 0.006 in. for larger sizes.
  3. Where specifying nominal size in decimals zeros preceding decimal and in the fourth decimal place shall be omitted.
  4. Point diameters specified apply to screw blanks before roll threading.
  5. For determining the effective grip length of Type BP screws, see Appdx. V11, page H-58.
  6. For additional requirements refer to introductory Notes and General Data, page H-11.
1 Sms

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Dimensions For Type C Tapping Screws

Table V1 Dimensions of Threads and Points for Types C Thread Forming Tapping Screws

Nominal Size or Basic Screw DiameterThreads per inchDPSL
Major DiaPoint DiaPoint Taper LengthDeterminant Lengths for Point TaperMinimum Practical Nominal Screw Lengths
For Short ScrewsFor Long Screws
MaxMinRefMaxMinMaxMin90¢XHeadCsk Heads90¢XHeadCsk Heads
See Notes13


  1. Where specifying ncminal size in decimals,zeros preceding decimal and in the fourth decimal place shall be omitted.
  2. Threads within point taper length shall have unfinished crests.
  3. Screws of these nominal lengths and shorter shall have point taper lengths specified for short screws. Longer lengths shall have point taper lengths specified for long screws.
  4. For additional requirements. Refer to Para. 2, page H-18.
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II. Thread cutting screws are Types BF, BT, D, F, G, and T. types BF and BT have spaced threads, the other machine threads. Other differences related to the desgn of their cutting point. Before selecting a thread cutting screw, some thought should be given to the possible effect, if any, of the presence of small chips in the system.

Table 1 Type Designations for Tapping Screws and Metallic Drive Screws