They are very easy to add to your system you just drag & drop into your voices file same as adding a POI into your map file. Sharon Osborne and Joanna Lumley. Costs a few Euros from TomTom. Joanna Lumley is the Voice of wi-Q The excitement in the wi-Q office was tangible when we received the news that the distinctive, velvet tones of the lovely Joanna Lumley would be the voice of wi-Q in our new promotional video. Joanna Lumley was born on 1 May, 1946 in Kashmir, India, to British parents, Thya Beatrice Rose (Weir) and James Rutherford Lumley. Ms office 365 key 2019. Her father was a major in the Gurkha Rifles, and she spent most of her early childhood in the Far East where her father was posted.
Do you want to download celebrity voices for TomTom? Our list has 53+ entirely free English and non-English (Dutch, Deutsch, French, etc.) voices for TomTom. Here is a complete list of celebrity voices and international TomTom voices. TomTom users, Easy to install tomtom POI files, talking TomTom road safety alerts and tomtom celebrity voices add a lot to it's popularity. Edit or create your own tomtom voices - Difficulty level: advanced. Here is a link to free voices for tomtom: tomtom voices for TomTom (53+).

1. Save downloaded folder to my PC, for example in 'C:tomtomvoices'
2. Switch on my TomTom and connect it to the computer (USB cable)
3. Click the Windows Start logo at the bottom left of your screen, then click on 'My Computer' and you should see the your TomTom ( e.g. Devices with Removable Storage with a small icon). Double click on the icon and the TomTom's folder view will open.
4. If you have a folder labelled 'voices', double click it, otherwise you'll need to store you voice files in the root folder (the first folder you see, after following Step 3). PDA and pocket GPS users with TomTom software may need to copy saved files to folder mobile device/my documents
5. Copy any of the voice files from the folder ( all 3 files: CHK, BMP and VIF) and paste into the folder voices or tomtom root folder (i.e. copy all the files to that folder: data88.chk and data88.bmp and data88.vif).
6. You can save as many tomtom voices as you want.
7. After pasting the last voice wait about 30 seconds, and then remove your USB cable. Your tomtom will reboot and you will be able to activate selected voice.
To change a voice on your TomTom:
1. Tap the centre of the screen:
2. Tap 'Change Preferences '
3. Click the right arrow, three times.
4. Now select 'Change Voice'
5. Use the right and left buttons to scroll around your available voices.

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Joanna Lumley 2020
Sat Nav - alternative 'voices' - any experience? | ||||
Author | Message | |||
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Hi I've seen adverts for alternative voices for the sat nav systems (such as Ozzie Osbourn etc). Has anyone bought any of these and are they any good, ie better than the original ones? Or are they just good for a laugh for a while and really a waste of money? | ||||
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Yes they are! | ||||
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Martin Which bit are you answering please?! | ||||
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I would think that after a few 'goes' you would get bored of the novelty of a 'celebrity' voice. They come with clear voices which is surely the point of the things, as you should not look at the screen when travelling. Any voice which adds comments and remarks could I think potentially be dangerous. | ||||
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Mel Whichever - but the final point mainly | ||||
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The best voice would be Joanna Lumley the worst a contest between Vicky Pollard and Profeesor Stanley Unwin! | ||||
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Yes to both: gimmick and waste of money. A lot of skill and research goes into voice selection and the specific instructions. You have to have a certain tonal value to cut through the 'noise floor' or engine/road noise, so you need a clean crisp delivery and clear enunciation – so that let’s ‘ozzy’ out I guess! Most of us are Fiat based and lack the legendary hush of the Rolls Royce. Many of these are 'sound alikes' for pretty obvious reasons, and there’s nothing worse than a Ringer that’s not quite dead! | ||||
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If your satnav is a TomTom variant then this site might be of interest. There are a number of free voices to try as an alternative to the TomTom supplied ones I use Liz from Radio Aire | ||||
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When I finally switched from AOL I had to reluctantly give up the voice of Joanna Lumley telling me I had mail. If you can get her voice, download now, I'd say! | ||||
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Don't bother paying for them, they are available for free. Try Trevor | ||||
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I can recommend the Liz Whitaker voice from the site that both Gordon and Trevorf recomended. Most of the celeb. ones that I have heard are rather poor and would soon loose their novelty value. Liz's voice is clear and a lot more pleasant than the standard voices. Alternativly free software is anailable to record your own voice to TOMtom |
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